The Dangers of Falling at Home

Falling at home is more than just a minor mishap; it is the leading cause of serious injuries and fatalities among older adults.

At Mobile Patient Lift our goal is to shed light on the dangers of falling at home and how you can take steps to prevent these potentially life-altering accidents.

A Stats Behind Falling At Home

The numbers are shocking. 

According to data acquired from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people aged 65 and older fall each year, making falls at home one of the major causes of injury and death. As of 202,  emergency departments recorded over 3 million hospital visits for older adults accounting for over $50 Billion in medical costs annually. 

Falling at home is not just a risk for elderly adults, but people of all ages from children to adults—everyone can suffer significant harm from an unexpected stumble at home. 

Common Injuries from Falls

Falls lead to a wide range of injuries, everything from minor bruises to more severe issues such as fractures, head injuries, and even permanent disability. Some of the most common serious injuries include hip fractures and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), both of which can have life-altering impacts on one's health and independence. 

Did you know that both the person who has fallen and the individual assisting them off the floor are at risk of injury? Dive into our article to learn more about the dangers of assisting an individual who has fallen. 

Why Do Falls Happen at Home?

There are thousands of reasons that contribute to the risk of falling at home, but some of the most common including:

Poor Lighting: As we age our eyes become less sharp and living spaces with inadequate lighting make it difficult to navigate safely, especially at night. Imagine getting up at night to go to the bathroom and you take a fall.

Loose Rugs and Carpets: The average home is filled with hundreds of surfaces that easily become a tripping hazard. As a best practice make sure to use a Rug Pad to keep those areas secure and in place

Cluttered Floors: In addition to unsecured rugs, the layout and obstacles that can be found in many rooms make navigation difficult. If you or your loved one are already unstable on your feet, ensure the layout of your home is free of clutter making it easier to move about your home.

If you or a loved one using a mobility device like a walker or rollator, ensure the area is set up to be a safe passageway. 

Lack of Safety Equipment:  It is important to set up your living space to prevent falls. Many homes fail to have simple devices like handrails in critical areas, such as bathrooms and staircases, which are proven to prevent fall risk. At Mobile Patient Lift, we always recommend evaluating each area of your home to determine the simple, yet effective tools needed to prevent falls. 

Preventing Falls at Home – Best Practices

Prevention is key to tackling the issue of falls at home. Here are some actionable tips:

Improve Lighting: Ensure you have proper lighting in your home, especially in hallways, staircases, and near the bed. For nighttime situations, consider installing nightlights in key areas which can help keep you on your feet when heading to bathrooms or darker areas of your home at night.

Room-By-Room Inspections: Conduct a room-by-room inspection to identify loose rugs and areas of clutter and to ensure a smooth passageway so mobility devices like Walkers, Rollators, and Mobility Aides can navigate the room. We also recommend clearing or securing rugs on the floor to prevent slipping.

Install Safety Features: Utilize simple solutions like Handrails and Grab bars in high-risk areas like the bathroom or a bathtub lift to assist in getting in and out of the bathtub or shower. Simple safety devices like these can provide much-needed support.  

Stay Active: Exercise is great for the mind, body, and soul. It can allow you to build strength and balance which can significantly reduce the risk of falls keeping you on your feet.

The Role of Awareness and Education

As you age, understanding the dangers of falling in your home and educating yourself and loved ones about the risks of falling can be used to come up with crucial prevention strategies. It is key to recognize the warning signs of a hazardous home, and knowing how to react to a fall can make all the difference in preventing falls and the injuries they cause.

Wrapping Up

The danger of falling at home is a real and constant threat. 

By utilizing the right precautions and safety tools like the ones offered here at Mobile Patient Lift, we can significantly reduce fall risk and injury. Remember, fall prevention is key to reducing the risks associated with a fall.

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